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Please contact any of the following via the Church Office.

Kirk Session

Rev John Torrens (5) (Minister)

Mr Stanley McFarland (Clerk)

Mr Trevor Leaker (5) (Deputy Clerk)

Mr Robert Barr (3)

Mr Colin Black (1)

Mr Gordon Campbell

Mr James Gilmore

Dr Scott Laidlaw (4)

Mr John McAllistair (4)

Mr Bryan Rea (3,4)


Mrs Joan Agnew (3)

Mr David Barr (1,4)

Mrs Agnes Black (2)

Miss Suzanne Blain (Treasurer) (3)

Mrs Janice Cockroft (2)

Mr Roy Copes (Treasurer) (3)

Mrs Irene Craig (1,5)

Mr Andrew Gibson (Secretary) (2)

Mr Neville Graham (3)

Mrs Anne Laidlaw (2)

Mr Patrick Mack (3)

Mr Arthur Maitland(1)

Mr Jonathan McFarland(1,5)

Mr Gary McNair (1,5)

Mr William Nugent (2)

Mrs Pamela Reid (3)

Mr Ian Shanks (2)

Mrs Pamela Shanks (2)

Mr Peter Shaw (1)

Mr Ken Young (3)

Health & Safety

Mr Ian Shanks


Heating Times

Mrs Gill Kimpton

Indoor Boot Sale

Dr Scott Laidlaw



Mr Bryan Rea


Office Administrator

Mrs Gill Kimpton

Pastoral Care Co-ordinators

Mrs Irene Craig

Mrs Pamela Reid


Mr James Gilmore

Rotas Co-ordinators


Mr James Gilmore


Mrs Irene Craig


Mrs Agnes Black


Mrs Irene Craig


Jones Chartered Accountants


Mr Jonathan McFarland

Buildings Caretaker

Mrs Anita McNair

Buildings Maintenance

Mr David Barr

Charity Commission Annual Return

Mr Stanley McFarland

Child Protection/Safeguarding

Dr Scott Laidlaw

Entertainment Licence

Mrs Gill Kimpton

External Screen

Mr James Gilmore

Fire Safety Checks

Mrs Anita McNair

First Aid/Defibrillator

Mr Ian Shanks


Freewill Offering(FWO)

Mr Bryan Rea, Mrs Joan Agnew

Mrs Agnes Black, Mr Colin Black


General Data Protection Regulation

Mr Andrew Gibson

Gift Aid

Mr Bryan Rea

Hall/Room Booking

Mrs Gill Kimpton

Roles & Responsibilities

Sub Committees/Convenors

1. Property    - Mr David Barr

2. Admin        - Mrs Janice Cockroft

3. Finance     - Mrs Pamela Reid

4. Graveyard - Mr John McAllister

5. Meeting House Refurbishment

                     - Rev John Torrens

2nd Saintfield Presbyterian Church

Fairview, Ballynahinch Road

Saintfield, Co Down

Northern Ireland

BT24 7AD

Registered Charity No. NIC105304

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