October 2000
New Burial Ground
Our new Burial Ground was dedicated by the Clerk of the General Assembly, the Very Rev. Dr. Samuel Hutchinson, after the Morning Service on Sunday 15th October 2000. A sizeable piece of land at the rear of the Church Hall was purchased two years ago and is now ready for use as an extension to the Existing Graveyard.
The contractor carrying out the work in the Graveyard was Mr Raymond Smyth, the building work was undertaken by Mr Peter Burgess.

The Rev. D.Mc Bride, S Hutchinson & WD Bailie along with the session in the existing graveyard.
When all had gathered on what turned out to be a beautiful Autumn day, the Rev Dr WD Bailie (Senior Minister of Kilmore), read from the Scriptures. The Minister of Second Saintfield, the Rev Desmond McBride invited the Very Rev Dr Samuel Hutchinson to dedicate the ground and to set it aside for Christian burial. After Dr Hutchison had performed the Act of Dedication all present joined in the unaccompanied singing of the 23rd Psalm. Dr Hutchinson closed the proceedings with the Benediction. Everyone was entertained to coffee afterwards in the Church Hall.

The New Burial Ground
The entrance gates and ironwork by Mr David Craig, the tarmacadaming by WJ McCormick and Sons and the stone wall at the rear of the new burial ground is being constructed by Mr Andrew Hamilton.
At the close of the Morning Service, the officiating Ministers left the church, which was filled to capacity for the Annual Harvest Service. Accompanied by the members of Session and the Church Choir, they made their way to the new Burial Ground, followed by the members of the congregation.

The choir in fine voice in the open air.

Members of the congregation gathered in prayer.