February 2001
Moderator's visit
The Moderator of the General Assembly, the Right Rev Dr Trevor Morrow, paid an official visit to the Down Presbytery in February 2001.
Two special events made the visit memorable for Second Saintfield Congregation. On Tuesday afternoon February 6th the Moderator and his wife were guests of Second Saintfield Lunch Club. After the meal had ended the Moderator shook hands personally with all 60 people who were present and also with the helpers who serve the food and assist with the transport. Before leaving he addressed all present on the unique contribution which older people have to make to society.
As a memento of the visit Miss Enid Minnis presented him with a 2nd Saintfield Tyrone Crystal Bicentenary Bell and his wife with flowers.
The second memorable event was the Down Presbytery Rally which was held in 2nd Saintfield on Sunday evening February 11th at 7pm. The church was filled to capacity for this unforgettable event. We had chairs in all the aisles and even in the vestibule but no one was turned away. Glenn Barbour was at the organ and the praise was led by the Presbytery TouchDown Band. The Service was conducted by the Moderator of the Presbytery, the Rev Norman Cameron from 2nd Killyleagh.
The highlight of the evening was the Moderator's address on the subject "Sons, Not Slaves"
This was one of a series of five addresses expounding St Paul's Letter to the Galatians which were prepared for the New Horizon conference in Coleraine in 1999.
They have been published in book form under the title "Free to Love" and can be purchased (price £6) from our church secretary Miss Nance Davis. We also have a tape of the Service (price £2) which is available from the same source.
The Moderator's sermon made a deep impression on all who heard it and helped promote the theme for his Moderatorial year "Jesus Christ for the 21st Century.
The offering at the service raised over £1100 for the Indian Earthquake Appeal.
We wish Dr and Mrs Morrow well as they prepare to visit North India in March. They will be taking with them the sympathy of all our people. Irish Presbyterian missionaries have worked in this area of India for over 100 years.
They will also be taking with them a sizeable cheque as a token of practical support to our brothers and sisters in India from all the congregations of our church.