Mission Team to Elblag Poland - July 2015
Twenty six adults and young people will be on the Mission Team from Second Saintfield to a small Baptist Church in Elblag, Poland from 20th to 27th July. Although Elblag has about 120,000 population (almost double the size of Lisburn) the Church has only 50 members.
Jamie Graham Patrick
Ross Pat Emily
Scott Eden Judith Dorothy Victoria
Rebecca Pamela
Hannah Jackie Bronwyn Helen
Gabrielle Charis Anne
Michael Catherine Andrew Emma
(Also Claire and Peter)
As Poland is about 90% Roman Catholic, Reformed Churches are very much in a minority. However, despite its small size, the Elblag Baptist Church has an active outreach programme, particularly among the children and youth in the locality, including the underprivileged, having an association with a local orphanage. It also organises a food distribution programme for struggling families. Its mission is to show God’s love to the community.
The Church’s main outreach activity in summer is running Christian Children’s and Youth Camps. We will be responsible for running the programme for that week. The worship themes will be Biblical Super Heroes. Practical work planned will include helping with maintenance work on the house of a particularly large family that lives in extremely cramped conditions, helping with food bank and donated clothing deliveries, serving soup in a local park and helping in other practical work that Pastor Pawel, our host, will have at the time.
The proceeds of our fundraising that has been ongoing since early spring will be used fully to finance the disadvantaged young people to allow then to attend the camp, to hire facilities, purchase materials for practical work and fund food distribution to needy families. Some local leaders (who are also our interpreters) will also receive basic support for food and travel.
The Programme for the camp each day involves worship at the beginning and end of the day and six 30 minute sessions which include Bible and English, Drama and Music, Crafts, Indoor Games, Outdoor Games and Sport. There is also a 1½ hour slot each day for less formal activities when the Team and the young people will get to know each other better.
Graham has kindly offered to be a link between the congregation and the Team while it is in Poland. We would value your prayers as we share the Gospel Message in word and deed.
Overall Mission
Please pray: that all of the Mission is focused on God and that He will be glorified in every aspect of the Team’s work.
Preparation for departure 12 -20 July: finalising programme and travelling arrangements.
Please pray: that arrangements go smoothly and that all Team members play a constructive part; in thanks for all Pastor Pawel’s help.
Travelling Monday 20 July
Please pray: for a safe, and trouble- and stress-free journey.
1st Day of Programme Tuesday 21 July: Worship and application (theme Noah), workshops, games and sport; informal time in town with young people.
Please pray: for positive interaction between the Team and young people; that all grow in their understanding that the story of Noah is about God’s judgement and His salvation; that leaders have courage to step out of their comfort zone; that young people and Team members enjoy their first day.
2nd Day of Programme Wednesday 22 July: Worship and application (theme Joseph), workshops, games and sport; informal field activities.
Please pray: that those taking the workshops grow in confidence; that all involved see how God used Joseph to fulfil His promise; that in each day games and sport are carried out in a safe and friendly environment.
Day at Beach Thursday 23 July: Team and young people.
Please pray: that everyone enjoys themselves, irrespective of weather; that all Team members keep in mind that they are witnesses for Christ in their behaviour.
3rd and 4th Day of programme 24 and 25 July: Programme as for 1st and 2nd Day, respectively. Themes Daniel and Jesus.
Please pray: that in Day 3 the young people see that God’s power as given to Daniel is greater than that of man; that the Team members continue to encourage each other; that in Day 4 as they see God’s promise fulfilled in Jesus that He will work in the hearts and minds of the young people;
Practical work (4 days of Camp programme): helping needy families and individuals.
Please pray: that the skills and enthusiasm of those who volunteer are used effectively; that they are kept safe; that they work in a manner that brings glory to God.
Sunday 26 July: Personal time; reflection and worship; Team meal.
Please pray: that as each Team member reflects on sharing involvement in the week’s activities they have found it a positive experience; that their relationship with God and their enthusiasm to serve Him have been strengthened.
Monday 27 July: Journey home
Please pray: that the journey is safe and trouble-free; that the work and activities of the mission have been a benefit to Pastor Pawel’s ministry and brought honour and glory to God.